Clipping News

 14-Nov-2016The Pink Line is built for whom exactly
 21-Aug-2016Orange Line to pilot commercial project
 03-Aug-2016D-day for bidding of Orange, Pink and Yellow lines
 20-Jul-2016B150bn govt nod for train lines
 20-Jul-2016Updates on the Pink and Yellow Lines reit
 14-Jul-2016Private firms buy bidding documents for Orange Pink and Yellow lines
 22-Jun-201620160526 IMPACT Growth REIT
 16-Jun-2016IMPACT Growth REIT : O/A 15 Jun 2016
 01-Jun-2016A few electric train projects will not be ready for signing this year
 01-Jun-2016D-day for bidding of Orange, Pink and Yellow lines
 01-Jun-2016Electric train boosts land price values along the Pink Line by 14%
 01-Jun-2016The Pink Line is built for whom exactly
 01-Jun-2016Updates on electric train projects
 14-May-2016Electric train boosts land price values along the Pink Line
 14-Apr-2016Updates on electric train projects

Bangkok LandIMPACT