Mr. Sek Wanamethee
Education and Training


2024 2024 – Present
Financial Statements for Directors, Class 51/2024
Risk Management Program for Corporate Leaders, Class 34/2024
Thai Institute of Directors
Director RMI Co., Ltd.
Mamber of the Corporate Governance & Sustainable Development Committee
Member of the Remuneration and Nominating Committee
Charoen Pokphand Foods PCL.
Advisor WHA Corporation PCL.
Advisor Belgian- Luxembourg/ Thai Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
2016 2021 – 2023 
Thailand Institute of Business and Industrial Development (IBID) Class 3
Institute of Business and Industrial Development
Ambassador to Belgium, accredited to Luxembourg and Head of the Thai Mission to the European Union
2015  2017 – 2021 
Director Certificate Program
Thai Institute of Directors
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Thailand to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Geneva
2014  2013 
Thailand Energy Academy (TEA) Class 5
Thailand Energy Academy
Director-General, Department of Information and Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2013  2012 
Thailand Capital Market Academy (CMA) Class 17
Capital Market Academy
Director-General, Department of American and South Pacific Affairs
2009 2011
Civil Service Executive Development Programme Office of the Civil Service Commission Ambassador and DPR, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations Office, Geneva
1990  2009 
Master of Philosophy Economic History
London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, United Kingdom

Minister and DCM, Royal Thai Embassy, Washington, D.C.
1986 2007 
Bachelor of Science Economics (Honors)
London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London, United Kingdom
Bureau Chief, Office of Policy and Planning
Director of Economic Affairs, Department of ASEAN Affairs
Minister Counsellor, seconded to Secretariat of the Prime Minister
Minister Counsellor and Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary to the Minister
Counsellor, Office of the Secretary to the Minister
First Secretary, Department of ASEAN Affairs
First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Thailand to the United Nations Office, Geneva
Second Secretary, Department of Information
Second Secretary, Office of the Secretary to the Minister
Third Secretary, Office of the Secretary to the Minister
Third Secretary, Africa and Arab Countries Division, Department of Political Affairs

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